Thursday, July 18, 2019

TITAS GAS AE (ME) 27.04.2018

TITAS GAS (27.04.2018)
Marks distribution (aptitude – 20, GK – 30, Dept. - 50)

1. A pipe has inner & outer radius of ri & ro and a fluid is passing through it with heat transfer co-efficient hi . Surrounding air heat transfer co-efficient is ho, thermal conductivity and length of pipe is K & L, If area is A then draw the thermal resistance network and write down the equation of heat loss.

2. In a vapor compression refrigeration system enthalpy at suction of compressor is 192 KJ/Kg and enthalpy at exit part of compressor is 212 KJ/Kg and enthalpy at the entry port of evaporator is 81 KJ/Kg. Determine the COP of this system.

3. Determine LMTD from following system:

4. Why draft tube is used in hydro-electric power plant? Show its position in a hydroelectric power plant with sketch.

5. Define viscosity? Write down Newton’s law of viscosity.

6. Draw T-s diagram of rankine cycle showing different processes name. Also draw it’s block diagram.

7. A pump delivers 0.050 m3/s water to a total height of 15 m. Length and diameter of pipe is 20m and 155 mm respectively. Overall efficiency of the pump is 65%. Find the power required to drive the pump. Take friction factor co-efficient f= 0.054

8. Write down the test name for following properties of material.

Name of test needed to be conducted


Endurance limit

9. Determine the extension (mm) for the following condition.

10. Write down the results of the following conditions:

Reactions at the end

Max. shear force

Max. bending moment

11. Draw all the orthographic views of the following isometric block.


12. Draw the load vs. deflection curve for the following.

13. A pressure vessel of 60 mm ID have thickness of 2 mm. Determine the bursting pressure when strength of vessel material is 350 MN/m2.

14. Write down the difference in table for Welding, soldering & Brazing.

Similar/ dissimilar

Temp. range

15. A spur gear having diameter 400 mm & teeth no 50, Determine the following parameters.

Circular pitch (PC)

Diametric pitch


16. The following table contain some operations. Write down the name of the tools used to perform those operations.

Machine tools name
Shaping perfectly circular work piece

Shaping perfectly rectangular work piece

Surface finishing of metal

Milling, boring & drilling 

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